Monday, February 18, 2013

DIY Ditders

I love blogging, but I do not do well with time management. Maybe it's just that I have too much on my plate. I've tried to learn to say no, and I have been able to do it a few times, but it still doesn't happen as much as it should. 

In any event... My sister (aka Ditder) and I have teamed up to do a blog together, and she is holding me to one post a week.  Ha! So, please follow our blog... Do it Yourself Ditders to keep up with what I'm doing... maybe I'll get the itch to write about something that won't fit into our "themes" and do a post or two on here, but I think for the most part, I'll be doing all of my blogging over there....

Just a note on the title... What the heck is a Ditder?  Well, I am the oldest of three... when my brother was little he could not say sister, it came out Ditder.  Mom always said, go give this to your sister, go ask your sister, go get your sister etc... so he called me Ditder instead of Chrissy. Of course he outgrew it... but when baby sister was teen, the story was retold and she decided that it was a good nickname, so since she was calling me Ditder, I started calling her Ditder and we've been doing it ever since....

Hope you get a chance to check out our new blog... we are having a lot of fun with it, Jenn has all my creativity and a lot more time.

 Me and Little Ditder 1989

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