Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's a Monster of a Hodgepodge

1. Who taught you to cook?

The answer to this is a hodgepodge in itself, I learned a bit from my Grandma Pike, a bit from my mom a bit from my mother-in-law, a bit from The Food Network and a lot by trial and error, and, I must say I've learned well. I really enjoy cooking, I just wish I had more time to do it. Which is one of my short term goals... eat out less, cook more. 

2. Have you been told you think too much? Are you a perfectionist? Are you too sensitive? Were they right?

Have I ever been told so? I don't think so... but...
Do I think too much? Yes, I'm always running through scenarios in my head. Whether it be what is the most appropriate response to a real life issue, a "what should I have done" in retrospect to a real life issue, or what should I do in a worst-case scenario that will probably never happen.
Am I a perfectionist? A lot of the time, yes. I want everything to be perfect and I aim for perfection, usually with one of the following results. A) I come pretty close, as I've come to accept in the past 20 years, nothing is ever perfect. B) I've determined that there is no way it will ever be even close to perfect so I've given up and no longer try for perfection.
Am I too sensative? I think so. I think I take everything too personally, and if someone slightly raises their voice or uses the wrong tone, I immediately feel like a scolded child. I should probably work on that, but I have no idea how to grow a tougher skin. Do they make a lotion for that?

3.  As a child did you have a favorite blanket or toy? Tell about it.

Nothing long term, I have a picture with a "Mrs. Beasley" Doll, Do you remember her from a Family Affair? Buffy had one.  My mom said she was my favorite, I was about 3 in the picture, I do have some vague memories of her, but I think I'd outgrown her before kindergarten and other than that I do not recall having another favorite toy.

4.  What "institution" do you have the most faith in.

I have to thank Amiee for this answer because when I first read the question, my reaction was "I don't beleive in any institution."  But then I read Amiee's answer, and she believes most in the institution of marriage.  That's right, marriage is an institution, and it is the only institution I believe in.  Granted, I have seen very few marriages stand the test of time, but the few I have, are the ones I look to.  I know it's not easy, but it is worth it.

5.  Chrysanthemums-pansies-burning bush-ornamental cabbage... your favorite in an autumn garden?

My favorite would have to be the burning bush. Here in Michigan where it seems to be so gloomy most autumn days, the fire burning in those leaves always brings sunshine to my heart. 

6.  What superpowers do the kids in your neighborhood seem to possess?

There is only one child in my neighborhood as we live in the country, and that is my son.  His superpowers are too numerous to list, but I think his most powerful superpower is love, I don't think I've ever met a more caring 8 year old boy.

7.  Are you a fan of the cranberry?

Yes! I love cranberries; cranberry juice, cranberry jelly, cranberry apple jello salad, but my absolute favorite has to be the craisin and white chocolate chip oatmeal cookie (you can find the recipe on the craisin package).

8. Insert your own random thought here...

Dominic started playing basketball last week.  When we signed him up, the flyer touted it as a "clinic" type program through the after school enrichment program, and although one of the scheduled practice days interfered with one of our Cub Scout days, we decided it would be ok, since we do Cub Scouts twice a week. After two practices, they tell the boys the practice days are changing, (mind you, there was no formal notice to the parents, I had to verify it with the director of the after school program). Ok, I guess I can handle that, just a minor bit of juggling to do but it's handled.  And then today, a schedule of games gets sent home... what? games?  AWAY games? that we have to drive him to... on random days of the week, which end up interfering with both Cub Scout days.  And to top it off, no note letting us know which team (B or C) he is on. I'm really not happy.  Scheduling is an issue with us as it is, our plates are very full.  But, we'll get through it with more juggling and hopefully a little car pooling help on the day's Terry and I can't make it. Dominic is enjoying it and that is what matters to us.

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